XR678052交叉圆锥滚子轴承 薄壁轴承 轴承型号 bearing type 尺 寸,mm boundary dimensions 额定动负荷,N basic dynamic load rating 系数 coefficient K d D T R 双列径向 double-row (radial) 推力 Thrust XR678052 330.2 457.2 63.5 3.3 100000 123000 0.47 注:为便于计算,在上表中提供的轴承额定负荷是以500转/分的速度运转3000小时为基础,即L10寿命,但较大的轴承速度却取决于轴承的尺寸及负荷的程度,而速度有可能低于500转/分. In order to make it easy for calculation, the load rating noted in the above file is based on working 3000h at the speed of 500r/m, i.e. L10 life. While the limited bearing speed is depended on bearing dimension and the real load, and the speed is possible to be under 500r/m